Pastor Chester Hitchcock

I am so happy that you have chosen to experience the joy of Bible Memory through this unique yet ancient memory technique.

It is unique in that few people today know the techniques used here though they have been around for thousands of years.

Most Bible memory is done by committing lots of texts by what is known as "rote" memorization. This is done by mechanical or habitual repetition that takes a lot of practice and review and often ends up with us losing the verses we memorized long ago.

This course uses ancient techniques that are creative and fun, and works by means of creating mental images that are far easier to remember.

I am certain that you are going to enjoy this journey in memorizing the location of your favorite stories and topics in the New Testament.

John 14:26 (NASB)

"The Helper, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." Jesus

You've Got This!

The Gospel Memory Course is so easy I have taught it to early teen groups ranging in ages 13 - 16!

It's Exilerating!

The Gospel Memory Course has been requested by young adults because it's so animated and thrilling, using skills that appear impressive while in actuality are simple and easy!


MANY people who consider themselves too old to start a memory program have surprised themselves! I have had more senior citizens thrilled at their ability to remember where to find things in the Bible than any age group that I have worked with!

You won't be disappointed!

Pastor Chester at the Colosseum in Rome in 2012

Don't let your memory join the ancient ruins! Instead, use the ancient memory techniques used by Plato, Socrates and Aristotle to restore and update your mind's Colosseum to a spectacular place where Bible stories are easily located and enjoyed.


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